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We're working with some exciting brands on new projects. Our aim is to partner with businesses that share our commitment to quality and that have a passion for our region. Stay tuned for more...

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47 products

Forge Coffee Roasters Popayan Decaf

Forge Coffee Roasters Popayan Decaf

Fresh Yeast 100g

Fresh Yeast 100g

Henderson's Potato Pie

Henderson's Potato Pie

Jam Doughnuts

Jam Doughnuts

Malted Millstone

Malted Millstone



Mini Pork and Fennel Sausage Rolls (Box of 6 - Bake at home)

Mini Pork and Fennel Sausage Rolls (Box of 6 - Bake at home)

Mini Sweet Potato and Black Bean Rolls (Box of 6 - Bake at home)

Mini Sweet Potato and Black Bean Rolls (Box of 6 - Bake at home)

Moss Valley Henderson's Pork Pie

Moss Valley Henderson's Pork Pie

Mr. Potato Bread

Mr. Potato Bread

Nduja Scotch Egg

Nduja Scotch Egg

Pain au Chocolat

Pain au Chocolat

Pecan Pie

Pecan Pie

Pizza Dough

Pizza Dough

Pork and Fennel Sausage Roll

Pork and Fennel Sausage Roll

Portuguese Custard Tart

Portuguese Custard Tart

Portuguese Custard Tart (Box of 4)

Portuguese Custard Tart (Box of 4)

Rye Sourdough Starter 20g

Rye Sourdough Starter 20g

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